Consummate Support is at the heart of what M/D Systems, Inc. offers our clients. This support encompasses all the software, hardware, and services you need to make the day-to-day operating of your practice hassle-free. |
Software and Hardware Service. Our toll-free service lines will connect you with our technical support team that uses diagnostic tools to pinpoint and solve any problems. If we're not able to solve your problem over the phone, we'll dispatch an appropriate technician to your office to resolve the issue. |
Electronically Submitted Insurance Claims. We electronically bill Medicare, Medi-Cal, and almost 200 private insurance companies. There's no per-claim charge, and we'll handle everything for you. |
Off-Site Insurance Claim Production. Free up your office staff. M/D Systems, Inc. will prepare all your paper claim forms, at no extra charge. |
Patient Statements Produced and Mailed Like Clockwork. We'll take over the burden of ensuring that these important revenue-generators are processed, printed, and mailed. |
Automated Software Updates. Each week, we review your system to assure that everything is working properly, and provide any current program enhancements. |
Unlimited Training. While most companies charge extra for training or provide limited training, we provide unlimited training at no extra charge |
Contact us for more information
Medical Billing Software
Our medical practice management software is simple and easy to use. Software modules include medical billing and submission, charge and procedure entry, appointment scheduling, payment entry and reporting. There's no better way to manage the task of patient billing and collections. Serving California, Nevada and Arizona, MD Systems has the software and related services to help you modernize your medical office management. |